- Excellent willingness of all partners to continue the collaboration and joint work, already started in 2015 with the Risc_ML Poctep.
- Project approved by the POCTEP Monitoring Committee 2021-2027 as an Operation of Strategic Importance.
The first face-to-face meeting of the Risc_Plus Project partners took place at the APA headquarters in Porto, marking the continuation of the path through which progress is being made on resilience against the risks of floods and droughts in the international basins of the Miño and Limia rivers, derived from climate change.
One of the highlights of the meeting was the excellent willingness of all partners to continue the collaboration and joint work already started in 2015. From the outset, a spirit of cooperation was evident that laid the foundations for effective collaboration in the future.
During the meeting, in addition to addressing the tools and aspects to be considered for the effective management of the project, the short, medium and long-term activities of the Risc_Plus Project were discussed and outlined, as well as the strategies and the time horizon for achieving them. In addition, it was reported that the POCTEP Monitoring Committee 2021-2027, at its meeting on 29 November 2023 in Monfragüe, approved to consider the project 0031_RISC_PLUS_6_E as an operation of strategic importance. This endorsement further reinforces the commitment and relevance of the project in the programme for this new time horizon.
The diversity of perspectives and the wealth of knowledge gained from the previous Poctep Risc_ML underline the strength and capacity of the consortium to address the complex challenges associated with climate change and water resources management in the region.